Cardinal Ricard, the Archbishop of Bordeaux and member of the Pontifical Commission "Ecclesia Dei" has issued a statement regarding the lifting of the excommunications. The link to the French bishops website is: key paragraph is the following:

La leve de l'excommunication n'est pas une fin mais le dbut d'un processus de dialogue. Elle ne rgle pas deux questions fondamentales : la structure juridique de la Fraternit Saint Pie X dans l'Eglise et un accord sur les questions dogmatiques et ecclsiologiques. Mais elle ouvre un chemin parcourir ensemble. Ce chemin sera sans doute long. Il demandera meilleure connaissance mutuelle et estime. A un moment, la question du texte mme du Concile Vatican II comme document magistriel de premire importance devra tre pose. Elle est fondamentale. Mais toutes les difficults ne seront pas forcment de type doctrinal. D'autres, de type culturel et politique, peuvent aussi merger. Les derniers propos, inacceptables, de Mgr Williamson, niant le drame de l'extermination des Juifs, en sont un exemple.

The lifting of the excommunication is not the end, but the beginning of a process of dialogue. It does not resolve two fundamental questions: the juridical structure of the Fraternity of St. Pius X in the Church and an agreement on dogmatic and ecclesiological questions. But it opens a path to walk together. This path will undoubtedly be long. It will require better mutual knowledge and respect. At a certain moment the question of the text of the Second Vatican Council, as a document of the Magisterium of primary importance, must be faced. This is fundamental. But all the difficuties will not necessarily be only of a doctrinal order. Others, of a cultural and political nature, will also emerge. The recent unacceptable statements of Bishop Williamson, denying the drama of the extermination of the Jews, is one example.

My gratitude to Robert Mickens for bringing the Statement to my attention and providing the link.

Robert P. Imbelli, a priest of the Archdiocese of New York, is a longtime Commonweal contributor.

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