Reader Bill Mazella suggested someone start a separate thread on the best religion blogs recently reported in the London Times, a list which includes First Things but not Commonweal. [CORRECTION: This list is from the London, not NYT, as originally reported. My apologies!]

So here ya go, Bill.

While Commonweal did not make the Times  list, the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster did. Actually this is less about religion than a rant against militant creationists. But the Spaghetti Monster-ites print their hate mail, most of it religious in nature, which is always a laugh. And how can you argue with SOLID NUMERICAL EVIDENCE that global temperature has risen in direct proportion to the decrease in piracy?? I use this site to detox after visits to my Fundamentalist in-laws.

The Times received at least one complaint for leaving out Ship of Fools, which is mostly Episcopalian in orientation, and since I still have leanings toward Canterbury, it is also one of my favorites, too. Catholics exercised about liturgy might find food for thought in the "Mystery Worship" department over there.

I would also gripe about Philocrites' absence. It's a Unitarian blog that is welcoming, sweet and friendly in a way I never found Unitarianism to be when I was in it. When I wrote a story about my conversion to Catholicism for Commonweal, Philocrites rejoiced that I had found my true spiritual home, even as that good Catholic, Diogenes (Off the Record) sneered. I read Philocrites to remind myself that the Unitarians still love me even when the Catholics don't.

I was surprised that the, the Times list did not include Amy Welborn, Busted Halo or Whispers in the Loggia, all blogs that have been refer'd here on Commonweal. Neither did it include Beliefnet, though maybe that's not technically a blog.

Beliefnet has its own list, which does include Welborn and the Canada-based Relapsed Catholic.

Catholic blog readers may also want to visit the Catholic Blog Awards site, which may be more revealing of what Catholics are reading and responding to than the more general Times list. Not exactly sure who's behind the Catholic Blog Awards, but there is a nice variety of blogs among those nominated (including Commonweal).

I was pleased to see one of my favorites, The Anchoress, there. A couple of years ago, we exchanged pleasant e-mails, and I like her down-to-earth, cut-to-the-chase comments. (And, Anchoress, if you read this, I love the Pre-Raphaelite image on the home page, but is that a nun or the Lady of Shallot?)

Other perspectives on Catholic blogs, please!

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