Here is a fascinating interview with a Catholic priest, Father David Neuhaus, who is the vicar for Hebrew-speaking Catholics. He is a convert from Judaism who first encountered Jesus through the witness of a bed-ridden eighty-nine year old Russian Orthodox nun.The first part of the interview ends with this exchange:

Q: What would you say is the sacrament with which you have the greatest affinity?Father Neuhaus: It was very clear right from the very beginning of my Christian life that I was very much drawn to the Eucharist; to be in contact with the Body of Christ in the Eucharist. And of course, I repeat again for 10 years I attended the Eucharist regularly without being able to participate.Q: So the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist was never a question for you.Father Neuhaus: Absolutely no question and not only that but I was regularly going to adoration long before I could even take Communion.Q: What was it that drew you?Father Neuhaus: The realization that Christ is keeping His promise in the Sacrament; the promise that He would be with us always, that we are not alone, that He is there until the end of time. I think that I was only really interiorly touched by the Sacrament of Confession when I studied here in Rome and took the classes to prepare future priests to hear Confession and then realizing that the presence of Christ in this Sacrament of Reconciliation; in this Sacrament of pardon, is a very, very powerful way to make God present in the world. I would say that all the Sacraments, of course are very, very strongly felt in the life of a priest but for me personally the Eucharist and the Sacrament of Reconciliation are where I have a very strong personal sense of Jesus' real presence in the world.

The rest is here.

Robert P. Imbelli, a priest of the Archdiocese of New York, is a longtime Commonweal contributor.

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