“Interpretive Dance: How the Brazos Biblical Commentary Falls Short,” Luke Timothy Johnson (February 24, 2012)
“An Imagined Unity: Henri de Lubac & the Ironies of Ressourcement,” Robin Darling Young (September 14, 2012)
“The Single-Issue Trap: What the Bishops’ Voting Guide Overlooks,” Cathleen Kaveny (September 28, 2012)
“Turning Point: A Theologian Remembers the Council,” Bernard P. Prusak (September 28, 2012)*
“Bishops or Branch Managers? Collegiality after the Council,” John Wilkins (October 12, 2012)
“Outvoted, Not Persecuted: Four Lessons about Religious Freedom,” Gerald W. Schlabach (October 12, 2012)
“Two Cities, Two Americas: Reading the Convention Rhetoric” by James T. Kloppenberg (October 26, 2012)
“Morbid Symptoms: The Catholic Right’s False Nostalgia,” Eugene McCarraher (November 23, 2012)
“A Riskier Discourse: How Catholics Should Argue Against Abortion,” Bernard G. Prusak (November 23, 2012)*
“Words in Action: The Sacramental Poetry of David Jones,” Anthony Domestico (January 11, 2013)
“The Spirit Is Still on the Job: A Conversation with Bishop Luigi Bettazzi,” Desmond O’Grady (January 25, 2013)
“Covenant Keeper: William F. May and the Crisis of Bioethics,” Paul Lauritzen (February 8, 2013)
“Gained in Translation: Crossing Borders, Manuscripts from the Bodleian Libraries,” Elizabeth Kirkland Cahill (February 8, 2013)
“A View from the Edge: Ingrid Mattson, the Face of American Islam,” Bethe Dufresne (February 22, 2013)
“The Thorny Path: A Russian in America, a Catholic Jew,” Maria Kaplun (February 22, 2013)
“Our Father” (review of Inheriting Abraham by Jon D. Levenson), Donald Senior, CP (February 22, 2013)
“God’s Eye View” (review of Karen Kilby’s Balthasar: A (Very) Critical Introduction), by Luke Timothy Johnson (April 12, 2013)
“Claims of Conscience: Religious Freedom and State Power,” by William A. Galston (May 3, 2013)
“Native Daughters: Making Saints in a Divided Church,” by Kathleen Sprows Cummings (June 1, 2013)*
“Grave Ambiguities” (review of William R. Burrows’s Jacques Dupuis Faces the Inquisition), by Matthew Ashley (June 1, 2013)
“Quiet Revolution” (review of Peter Brown’s Through the Eye of a Needle), by Robin Darling Young (June 14, 2013)
“The Things We Share: A Catholic’s Case for Same-Sex Marriage,” by Joseph Bottum (September 13, 2013)*
“The Current of Creation: The Jewish Sources of Christian Charity,” by Gary A. Anderson (September 27, 2013)*
“The Limits of Candor” (review of Randall Kennedy’s For Discrimination), by William A. Galston (October 25, 2013)
“Sending the Wrong Signal: How Luxury Compromises Christian Witness,” by David Cloutier (December 20, 2013)
“Seeing as God Sees: Terence Malick’s The Tree of Life,” by Karen Kilby, Luke Timothy Johnson, and Bernard G. Prusak (January 10, 2014)*
“The ACLU Takes on the Bishops” by Cathleen Kaveny (January 10, 2014)
“Darwin’s Tree of Life: The Grandeur of a View That Changed the World,” by Elizabeth A. Johnson (January 24, 2014)*
“Just Warriors, Unjust Wars? Deciding When It’s All Right to Fight,” by Bernard G. Prusak (February 7, 2014)*
“At Our Mercy: The Tree of Life Now Depends on One Twig,” by Elizabeth A. Johnson (February 7, 2014)
“Getting Past Supersessionism: An Exchange on Catholic-Jewish Dialogue,” by Steven Englund, Jon D. Levenson, Donald Senior, and John Connelly (February 21, 2014)*
“Opting Out: How the Amish Have Survived in America,” by Donald B. Kraybill (March 7, 2014)*
“The Odd Couple: Canonizing John XXIII & John Paul II” by John Wilkins (April 11, 2014)*
“‛Being Prepared for Joy’: An interview with Christian Wiman” by Anthony Domestico (May 2, 2014)
“Mark of Belonging: Why Circumcision Is No Crime” by William A. Galston (May 16, 2014)
“A Sermon in Stone: Church Design after Vatican II” by Bethe Dufresne (June 1, 2014)
“Caught in the Gap” by Cathleen Kaveny (June 1, 2014)
“Bookmarks” by Anthony Domestico (June 1, 2014)
“Family Values” (review of Not I by Joachim Fest) by John Connelly (June 13, 2014)
“Engagement or Retreat? Catholicism and Same-Sex Marriage” by Ross Douthat, Jamie L. Manson, and Joseph Bottum (June 13, 2014)
“Out of Great Silence” (review of the film Ida) by Rand Richards Cooper (July 11, 2014)*
“First Things” (review of Robert P. Imbelli’s Rekindling the Christic Imagination) by Bernard P. Prusak (August 15, 2014)
“A Minefield” by Cathleen Kaveny (August 15, 2014)
“Infinite Horizon: The Prairie Spirituality of Ronald Rolheiser” by Michael W. Higgins (September 12, 2014)
“The Time of Our Lives” (review of the film Boyhood) by Rand Richards Cooper (September 12, 2014)
“Bookmarks” by Anthony Domestico (September 12, 2014)
“Great Expectations: Pope Francis & the Synod on the Family” by John Wilkins (September 26, 2014)*
“A Question of Conscience: The Excommunication of Ignaz von Döllinger” by Thomas Albert Howard (October 10, 2014)*
“‛A True Story?’: A Mother’s Fragmentary Faith” by Debra Liese (October 10, 2014)
Luke Timothy Johnson on Commonweal and the nature of liberal religious convictions (October 24, 2014)
Francis Oakley on the Council of Constance (October 24, 2014)
George Hunsinger on supersessionism
Helen Maher Garvey on her life as a woman religious
Karen Kilby on Balthasar and Julian of Norwich
Web-Only Articles
“Can Francis Cure the Curia? Getting Down to Work on Reform,” by Desmond O’Grady (August 31, 2013)
“Consistent Ethic of Life, Thirty Years Later: Rereading Joseph Bernardin,” by David Cloutier, Lisa Fullam, Robert P. Imbelli, and Cathleen Kaveny (December 5, 2013)
“Why I Became Catholic,” John Wilkins (February 27, 2009)
“Trouble Ahead: The Future of Jewish-Catholic Relations,” John R. Donahue (March 13, 2009)*
“Culture & Barbarism,” Terry Eagleton (March 27, 2009)*
“Liturgy & Reunion,” by John F. Baldovin (March 27, 2009)
“Faith in Globalization,” Eric Bugyis (April 10, 2009)*
“Double Vision,” James L. Fredericks (April 10, 2009)
“To the Visible World,” Rand Richards Cooper (May 8, 2009)
“How is the Bible True?” Luke Timothy Johnson (May 22, 2009)
“After ‘the War on Terror,’” Jack Miles (July 17, 2009)
“A Face in the Crowd,” Alejandro Anreus (August 14, 2009)
“Toxic Legacy,” Maura Ryan (September 25, 2009)
“Cross Examination,” Sister X (October 9, 2009)*
“Something Freely Given,” Margaret Visser (October 9, 2009)
“The Price of Freedom,” John Connelly (November 20, 2009)*
“Maximus’s Mary,” by Sally Cunneen (December 4, 2009)*
“No Easy Answers: The Necessary Challenge of Interreligious Dialogue,” James L. Fredericks (January 15, 2010)*
“Trading Places,” Jack Miles (January 15, 2010)*
“God-Obsessed” (profile of David Tracy), David Gibson (January 29, 2010)*
“Dry Bones: Why Religion Can’t Live without Mysticism,” Luke Timothy Johnson (February 26, 2010)*
“Teresa of Ávila: A Woman of Her Time, A Saint for Ours,” Barbara Mujica (February 26, 2010)*
“Fire & Sword: Does Religion Promote Violence?” R. Scott Appleby (April 9, 2010)*
“Sins of Admission,” Anonymous (April 23, 2010)*
“A Bricklayer’s Son: Stanley Hauerwas and the Christian Difference,” Peter Steinfels (May 7, 2010)
“Thinking Again,” Marilynne Robinson (May 7, 2010)*
“Intellectual Street Fighter: Gilbert Meilaender’s Ethics of the Everyday,” Paul Lauritzen (May 21, 2010)*
“Ratzinger at Vatican II: A Pope Who Can and Cannot Change,” John Wilkins (June 4, 2010)*
“The Catholic Hitchcock,” Richard Alleva (July 16, 2010)*
“Islam and Modernity: Not All Muslims Think Alike,” Patrick J. Ryan (September 10, 2010)*
“Undimmed” (review of the film Vision: The Life of Hildegard of Bingen), Rand Richards Cooper (September 24, 2010)
“Apples and Oranges” (review of Stephen Prothero’s God Is Not One), R. Scott Appleby (October 8, 2010)
“Curmudgeon on Safari” (review of V.S. Naipaul’s The Masque of Africa), Rand Richards Cooper (October 22, 2010)
“Heroes & Villains” (review of Adam Briggle’s A Rich Bioethics), Paul Lauritzen (December 17, 2010)
“Changing our Minds,” Christine Neulieb (December 17, 2010)
“No Labels, Please: Lisa Sowle Cahill’s Middle Way,” William Bole (January 14, 2011)*
“Don’t Look Away,” Barbara Mujica (March 25, 2011)*
“Was Marx Right?”, Terry Eagleton (April 8, 2011)*
“Humming with Mystery: Synthetic Biology & Playing God,” Paul Lauritzen (April 8, 2011)
“Fabricating Bernardin: How Not to Write about the Cardinal and His Time,” Peter Steinfels (May 20, 2011)*
“It Doesn’t Sing: The Trouble with the New Roman Missal,” Rita Ferrone (July 15, 2011)*
“Prophet of the Electric Age: Marshall McLuhan’s Post-Curial Catholicism,” Michael W. Higgins (October 7, 2011)
“History, Hope & iPhones,” Andrew Bacevich and Robert P. Imbelli (October 7, 2011)
“Nearer to God: Demystifying Mysticism,” Lawrence S. Cunningham (October 7, 2011)
“Legacy of a Country Priest,” Jerry Ryan (October 7, 2011)
“Powers & Principalities: The Devil Is No Joke,” Luke Timothy Johnson (October 7, 2011)*
“All Told?”, Melinda Henneberger (October 7, 2011)
“Good Melodrama” (screen review of Brighton Rock), Richard Alleva (October 7, 2011)
“The War on Beige” (review of Robert Barron’s Catholicism), Thomas Baker (October 7, 2011)
“Not Dead Yet” (review of James F. Keenan’s A History of Catholic Moral Theology in the Twentieth Century), Bernard G. Prusak (October 7, 2011)
“Fertile Crescent?” (review of Youssef Courbage and Emmanuel Todd’s A Convergence of Civilizations), Patrick J. Ryan (October 7, 2011)
“Minuet with Caesar” (review of Charles Mathewes’ The Republic of Grace and William T. Cavanaugh’s Migrations of the Holy), Terrence W. Tilley (October 7, 2011)
“Clean Dry Dressing Q.D.,” Barry Gault (October 7, 2011)
“The Persian Version,” Christopher Thornton (October 7, 2011)
“American Oracle: The Uses & Abuses of Reinhold Niebuhr,” Jackson Lears (October 21, 2011)*
“Left Behind” (screen review of Higher Ground), Richard Alleva (November 4, 2011)
“More Than a Relic? The Bishops’ Economic Pastoral Turns 25,” David J. O’Brien (November 18, 2011)*
“The Journalist as Theologian: A Tribute to Gregory Baum,” Michael W. Higgins (December 2, 2011)
“The Moment of Recognition: Rembrandt & the Face of Jesus,” Bernard G. Prusak (December 16, 2011)*
“The Sting of Death,” Charles Taylor (October 12, 2007).
“Sex & Christianity,” Charles Taylor (September 28, 2007).*
“Between Theology & Exegesis,” Jack Miles (July 13, 2007).
“Daniel Callahan & Bioethics,” Paul Lauritzen (June 1, 2007).*
“Signs of Our Times,” Paul Elie (April 20, 2007).*
“The Two Afghanistans,” Joel Hafvenstein (March 23, 2007).*
“The Gentle Darwinians,” Peter Quinn (March 9, 2007).*
“Praying to the Buddha,” Peter C. Phan (January 26, 2007).*
“Not So Heterodox,” Paul Lakeland (January 26, 2007).
“The Truth about Conservative Christians, by Andrew M. Greeley and Michael Hout,” E.J. Dionne Jr. (October 20, 2006).
“The Catholic Presence,” Luke Timothy Johnson (October 20, 2006).
“Darwin’s Ghost,” Peter James Causton - Theological Essay Contest First-Place Winner (October 6, 2006).
“Unjust & Indefensible,” Chris Dowd - Theological Essay Contest Second-Place Winner (October 6, 2006).
“Thank You, Sister,” Luke Timothy Johnson (September 22, 2006).
“Spreading the News,” Timothy P. Schilling (September 8, 2006).
“You Say Potato, I Say...,” Luke Timothy Johnson (August 11, 2006).
“Uncharted Waters,” Philip A. Cunningham (July 14, 2006).*
“The Chosen,” Luke Timothy Johnson (June 16, 2006).
“Clash of Cultures,” William Pfaff (June 16, 2006).*
“Merton’s Enlightenment,” Paul Wilkes (June 2, 2006).*
“Judas & Jesus,” Jack Miles (June 2, 2006).
“A Larger Sense of Church,” Luke Timothy Johnson (May 19, 2006).
“Episcopalian Crisis,” Barry Jay Seltser (May 19, 2006).*
“With Thankfulness & Praise,” Luke Timothy Johnson (April 21, 2006).
“Trust the Laity,” Luke Timothy Johnson (March 24, 2006).
“Signs of Hope,” Luke Timothy Johnson (February 24, 2006).
“Catholic Spirituality: What Does It Mean Today?”, Lawrence Cunningham (February 24, 2006).*
“The Philosophical Spirit,” Ernest Rubinstein (February 24, 2006).
“Purpose-Driven Spirituality,” Thomas Baker (February 24, 2006).
“God’s Choice, by George Weigel,” Eamon Duffy (January 27, 2006).
“After the Big Chill,” Luke Timothy Johnson (January 27, 2006).*
“The Missing,” Michael R. Marrus (January 13, 2006).*
“A Nearness in Difference,” Eugene Borowitz (January 13, 2006).*
“Lost in Translation,” John Wilkins (December 2, 2005).*
“Follow that Metaphor,” John Savant (November 18, 2005).
“At a Loss for Words,” Tom Heneghan (November 18, 2005).
“Dialogue Not Monologue,” Francis X. Clooney (October 21, 2005).*
“Border Lines, by Daniel Boyarin,” Jack Miles (October 21, 2005).
“The Politics of Human Frailty, by Christopher J. Insole,” Mark Sargent (September 23, 2005).
“Caring for the Earth,” Luke Timothy Johnson (July 15, 2005).
“Back to Christendom,” William D. Wood (June 17, 2005).
“Looking Ahead,” Richard R. Gaillardetz (April 22, 2005).
“The Church in Crisis,” Joseph Komonchak (June 3, 2005).*
“No Restorationist,” Christopher Ruddy (June 3, 2005).
* Designates a Commonweal cover story.