PM Netanyahu has delivered his speech to the Joint Session of Congress at the invitation of Speaker Boehner. Netanyahu’s grand entrance to the floor of the house a la the President’s for the SOU should not confuse us. Netanyahu wants to remain Prime Minister of Israel, but if he can manage U.S. foreign policy, he would consider that a plus.

Here is his address to the Congress, via CSPAN (at about 15 minutes).

Commentary: William Galston at Brookings on recent polling. Robert Hunter at Lobelog on outcomes of successful negotiations. Bernard Avishai at the New Yorker on what Netanyahu really wants--war. George Friedman at Stratfo on the U.S. dilemma in shaping a ME balance of power with or without Israel (HT: Jim Pauwels). Here’s a British take on the speech.  Reporters from the Guardian have annotated the speech. And here’s Jon Stewart!! (R-rated metaphors!)

No fan of NYTimes editorials, I think they got this one right: “Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel could not have hoped for a more rapturous welcome in Congress. With Republicans and most Democrats as his props, he entered the House of Representatives to thunderous applause on Tuesday, waving his hand like a conquering hero and being mobbed by fawning lawmakers as he made his way to the dais. Even Washington doesn’t often see this level of exploitative political theater;.....More substantive points here.

Margaret O’Brien Steinfels is a former editor of Commonweal. 

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