Judging by bishops’ comments at today’s Vatican press conference, you’d scarcely be able to tell that yesterday a cardinal went in front of the world press and claimed their coverage of the synod’s working document had put the bishops in “an irredeemable position.” Cardinal Lluis Martinez Sistach, Archbishop Rino Fisichella, and Archbishop Joseph Kurtz--president of the U.S. bishops conference--did not show any displeasure with the relatio--the document summarizing the first week of synod discussions. Instead they shared some of their own small groups’ amendments, while speaking more or less positively about the working text (Kurtz even called it “wonderful”). Reporters gave them ample opportunity to distance themselves from the relatio, and they passed.

The presser in tweets, afer the jump:

[View the story “Synod day 11 presser: everything is awesome. ” on Storify]

Grant Gallicho joined Commonweal as an intern and was an associate editor for the magazine until 2015. 

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