SAN DIEGO -- Yesterday morning, members of the Catholic Theological Society of America listened to an extended critique of the way their organization operates, especially with respect to the way the society conceives of the practice of theology itself and its attitude toward more conservative theologians. The paper, delivered by Paul Griffiths of Duke University, caused quite a stir--an effect that seems not to have been accidental. I live-tweeted the session, as well as a related one that took up a report on “theological diversity” at CTSA released by an ad hoc committee last year.

Caveat lector: This is going to be long. And the ghost of Steve Jobs seemed determined to introduce errors as I tried to capture the flow of commentary. So you’ll see a few typos (and informalities, all thanks to autocorrect). Also: Mostly I’m paraphrasing, so I apologize in advance if I’ve inaccurately conveyed a speaker’s intent. Bearing that in mind, you’ll find the day-in-tweets after the jump.


[View the story “What is theology?” on Storify]

Grant Gallicho joined Commonweal as an intern and was an associate editor for the magazine until 2015. 

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