Museums have recently tried to expand our picture of Native American life, coupling indigenous art with contemporary American works. This approach has limits.
“Hi, Carlos? This is Msgr. Farrell calling from the bishop’s office with some exciting news. His excellency has decided to elevate you to the clerical state.”
Some Catholics have critiqued the Document on Human Fraternity for its theology of religion, but little attention has been paid to its reception in the Arab world.
The history of the Children’s Crusade deepens my understanding of the present: yes, the “little ones” suffer, but they retain a sense of dignity, even hope.
Seminaries still have a role to play, and should not be abolished. But they should no longer be factories for clericalism, elitism, and misogyny, as they often are.
The only adequate response to the clergy sex-abuse crisis is a paschal response: death to one way of being and resurrection to a truly new way of life.
Democratic socialism, increasingly appealing to young people today, extends democracy into the economic realm. The idea’s not new; we need to explore its history.
All of Sudbanthad’s many characters experience nostalgia in this debut novel of interwoven lives, spanning a century in the ever-changing city of Bangkok.
Pope Francis is a highly original and supple thinker, with a breadth of knowledge accumulated over five decades. A new book fleshes out his intellectual journey.
One hundred years after the restoration of national sovereignty, Poland is failing to preserve the values forged in its struggles against totalitarianism.