Sunday and Monday cives Romani will go to the polls to elect a new mayor. The candidates are Francesco Rutelli, a vice-premier in the outgoing government of Prodi, the noblest Romano of them all, and Gianni Alemanno who belongs to Silvio Berlusconi’s Center-Right coalition.In the midst of a heated final debate on TV, Rutelli launched this bombshell, thinking to score big: Tu, caro Alemanno, dipingi la nostra citt cupa, nera, come se fosse il Bronx.Vergogna forbids me from translating. But rest assured: he’s not praising my home borough.Mayor Bloomberg take notice. This is the same guy who brought the mighty Met to its knees and reclaimed the purloined pottery. Come va finire?

Robert P. Imbelli, a priest of the Archdiocese of New York, is a longtime Commonweal contributor.

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