Just in time for Reformation Day, the Vatican’s top official for ecumenism floats the possibility that Lutherans could get their own special church inside the Roman Catholic Church, much as was done for disgruntled Anglicans. Cardinal Kurt Koch spoke to Zenit:

Anglicanorum coetibus was not an initiative of Rome,” Koch said, “but came from the Anglican Church. The Holy Father then sought a solution and, in my opinion, found a very broad solution, in which the Anglicans ecclesial and liturgical traditions were taken into ample consideration. If similar desires are expressed by the Lutherans, then we will have to reflect on them. However, the initiative is up to the Lutherans.”

Hang on Anabaptists, your turn is coming soon!H/T: Catholic World News

David Gibson is the director of Fordham’s Center on Religion & Culture.

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