Lightning rarely strikes twice, so Commonweal is doubly blessed to be able to announce that the magazine has again been awarded a two-year grant from the Henry Luce Foundation. The money will help us provide better coverage of theological issues, especially as they touch on interreligious and ecumenical questions. Like the first grant, this award will allow us to increase the honorariums we can pay writers. As readers may remember, our first Luce grant, starting in 2005, supported the writing of Commonweal contributors such as Luke Timothy Johnson, Peter Quinn, John Wilkins, and many others. The money will also enable us to improve our Web site ( Access to Commonweal will be expanded by printing extra copies of certain issues of the magazine and distributing them free of charge to universities, colleges, divinity schools, seminaries, and summer-study programs. Any school or teacher interested in receiving free copies of the magazine is encouraged to contact Tom Baker at

The Luce grant will bring great dividends to our readers and writers, and we thank the foundation for its generosity, its confidence in the magazine, and its support of Commonweal’s effort to bring theological thinking to bear on the great issues, both religious and secular, of the day.

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Published in the 2009-02-13 issue: View Contents
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