from this morning's homily by Pope Francis, commenting on the anointing of David:

But, Father, I have read in a newspaper that a bishop has done such a thing, or a priest who has done this thing.’ Oh yes, I read it, too. Tell me, though: do the papers carry news of what great charity so many priests, so many priests in so many parishes of the city and the countryside, perform? Of the great work they do in carrying their people forward? No? This is not news. It is the same as always: a single falling tree makes more noise than a forest that grows. Today, thinking about this anointing of David, it will do us good to think of our brave, holy, good, faithful bishops and priests, and pray for them. We are here today thanks to them.

Prayers as well for the Ursuline Sisters on this feast of Saint Angela Merici!

Robert P. Imbelli, a priest of the Archdiocese of New York, is a longtime Commonweal contributor.

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