Forty-seven Republican Senators have written to the “leaders of the Islamic Republic of Iran,” warning them that whatever agreement President Obama and Secy. of State Kerry might come to on Iran’s nuclear progrgam, there’s a good chance it will be dumped in a new administration. (Wonder which new administration?)  Here’s the NYTimes story with over 3500 comments.

Is this an Impeachable offense? Oh wait! Would these 47 have to bring articles of impeachment against themselves?

The Iranians seem to know enough about the U.S. government to call it a “propoganda ploy”; that’s a little stronger than the President’s observation calling the letter “somewhat ironic,” putting the Senators on the same side as Iranian hardliners. Here’s the letter; check out those signatures! From satirist Andy Borowitz: “Iran Offers to Mediate Talks Between Republicans and Obama.”  Amy Davidson at the New Yorker  points out that the senator who wrote the letter has been in the Senate for two months. Marking the fence posts? Jim Pauwels points out below that they may have all used the same blue pen to sign.  Even the Daily News!!  And The Logan Act (1799) (text below) HT: Pat Lang.

March 11 @10:33: Having just finished reading the paper, I am thinking maybe this mess could prove a turning point. 1. The Democrats are backing away from new sanctions legislation; 2. Herzog and Livni running against Netanyahu are pulling up in polling; 3. Tom Frideman does a fact-filled column on how Sheldon Adelson is buying U.S. and Israeli politics.  (Cites below in comments @10:44). Too pollyannish?

Margaret O’Brien Steinfels is a former editor of Commonweal. 

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