(K. Mitch Hodge/Unsplash)

Words in stone I can

still hear, just, or see

their shadows holding in

breath so as not be blown

away here where sermons

in stone are rare now but

sometimes their spirits

fly about doing their best to

turn the world around, shake

and right it to come again

fresh for you, young

at the hem of time’s

long shadow, the sky

forever full of signs and

surprises like frost at night,

or the sun in the morning.

Brian Swann’s most recent poetry collection is Imago (Johns Hopkins University Press, 2023), and his latest fiction is Ya-Honk! Goes the Wild Gander (MadHat Press, 2024). He is professor emeritus of humanities at Cooper Union in New York City.

Also by this author
Published in the June 2021 issue: View Contents
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