Two among a number of interesting letters in today's New York Times:

To the Editor:Re Pope, in U.S., Is Ashamed of Pedophile Priests (front page, April 16):The Holy Fathers expression of shame for the sexual abuse scandal is well taken. But I think he should also, at some point, remind American Catholics that they are called on in the Lords Prayer to forgive from the bottom of their hearts the sexual abusers in question.Hard as it may be, that call holds for Catholic victims of sexual abuse as well. Our faith is supposed to be a liberating experience for all involved.George McCauleyBronx, April 16, 2008The writer is a Jesuit priest.To the Editor:In his View From My Pew (Week in Review, April 13), Dan Barry admits that he prefers getting his Catholic views from the aimless sermons of his pastor rather than reading papal encyclicals. Thats like preferring Fox News to the BBC.The current pope has written only two encyclicals, one on love and one on hope, both of them theological gems that feed the soul. Mr. Barry ought to take one to church next Sunday and read it during the sermon.Students at a Catholic high school here in Rhode Island use Benedicts Introduction to Christianity as a textbook and find it stimulating, challenging and nourishing.This pope has a better understanding of the issues underlying modern consciousness (or lack of it) than all the talking heads of Europe and America.James D. PoissonWakefield, R.I., April 13, 2008

And their excellent Papal Discussion blog continues.

Robert P. Imbelli, a priest of the Archdiocese of New York, is a longtime Commonweal contributor.

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