(Judith Perry)

Walls of narrow streets

were neighbors,

facing windows borrowing

light, shade.

From our balcony

I noticed a bowl of fruit

emptying, filling

on the table opposite.

Each night, over the sill,

a dishcloth, worn,

was spread to dry,

red stripes long faded.

Its people could

afford a new one,

but touch, close use,

had made it family. 

Years later, unable to sleep,

I remember how carefully

the cloth

was offered to the air.

Nikia Leopold’s poems have appeared in various magazines, including the American Scholar, Commonweal, Measure, the Southern Review, and Poetry. Her chapbook Small Pleasures won the 2012 Blue Light Press contest, and her second book, Healing with Shadows, was published in January 2021. She lives in Ruxton, Maryland.

Also by this author
Published in the July / August 2020 issue: View Contents
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