For those of you following events here are some more (and other) comments/views, etc.
Francophones: Le Monde “The Ukraine Crisis in Five Minutes,” a short history ending in the current crisis. My French is fading, but I could make it out.
David Ignatius in the Wash Post: “Putin’s error in Ukraine Is the Kind that Leads to Disaster.”
Dana Milbank in WP offers a vigorous riposte to Obama’s critics ending in a mild defense of the president.
Ann Olivier forwards this: Time, “How Putin’s Ukraine Invasion Is Already Losing in Ukraine.”
Robert Hunter, former U.S. ambassador to NATO (1993-98): Nato, Russia, and Ukraine.
Chancellor Angela Merkel: She may be the key to a stand-down. NYTimes, March 4
MORE: The British take: Do the U.S. and the EU know what they’re doing?