Nicole-Ann Lobo, a PhD student at Princeton University, was Commonweal''s 2019 John Garvey Writing Fellow. She currently helps organize the Democratic Socialists of America’s Religion and Socialism Working Group and lives in New Jersey.
Personal data has become a valuable commodity. What if we were given ownership rights over our data—not only to retain control, but also to receive compensation?
Hong Kongers are fighting China for their political survival. But the rest of the world, particularly the West, seems apathetic toward their precarity.
A timely new novel from Oscar Cásares captures not only the vulnerability of newly arriving immigrants, but also the anxiety of simply trying to acclimate.
The landslide reelection of Narendra Modi as prime minister of India in May concentrates economic and nationalist concerns. It bodes poorly for the lower castes.
A classic of Chicanx cinema gives us the true story of Gregorio Cortez, a Mexican man hunted down by Texas Rangers and imprisoned for crimes he didn’t commit.