TPM has put together a series of Hagee-related clips, including several moments of unhinged ranting (viewer discretion advised) and McCain's acceptance of his endorsement. What some of us Catholics are still waiting for is not simply an acknowledgment that McCain doesn't endorse everything Hagee spouts (no kidding), but rather a sensible explanation of why he sought Hagee's support in the first place and why he feels "very honored" to receive it.[youtube][/youtube]Update: Pat Lang is waiting too.Update 2: Missed this before--apparently Deal Hudson takes McCain's weak attempt to smooth things over with Catholics as evidence of his willingness to reach out to them.Update 3: Rick Garnett over at Mirror of Justice urges us to get real. He writes that it's silly to expect candidates to disavow support from those who believe the Catholic Church's teachings are false. Agreed. Good thing no one is calling for that then. (That "great whore" business is a bit much, no?) It's equally off the mark, Rick says, to call for McCain and Obama to renounce their supporters who happen to believe the Catholic Church is a "force for evil and/or a den of lunatics." That's "a bit opportunistic," Rick argues. A couple points: First, Obama did not seek Farrakhan's support--I believe he has gone out of his way to avoid it--yet McCain courted Hagee's. McCain even said he was "very honored" to receive it. So the comparison limps. Second, Obama has explicitly denounced (and rejected!) Farrakhan for his anti-Jewish babble. All McCain offers is a wishy-washy statement about not agreeing with everyone who endorsed him. Why can't McCain come out and say he rejects the anti-Catholic drivel that issues from Hagee's mouth? Even that raving liberal John Edwards eventually caved on his blogger's ill-advised, offensive remarks about Mary (in an extremely disappointing way). So why should McCain get a pass?

Grant Gallicho joined Commonweal as an intern and was an associate editor for the magazine until 2015. 

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