The Catholic League and its President, William Donohue, has, from time to time, received less than favorable notice on this blog.

Recently, the following appeared on the League's website:

On February 3, Link TV featured a three and a half minute video that mocks Catholicism. The media outlet is available as a basic service in more than 31 million homes that receive direct broadcast satellite TV.

The video, Divine Food, opens with a priest waking up to a rumbling noise that shakes the religious symbols and statues in his room. He proceeds to a Catholic church where he discovers several wafers near a cup (the implication is that they are consecrated Hosts). In a disrespectful manner, he chews them vigorously and then admonishes the statues that are looking at him. He falls asleep in the church and when awakened he is asked to say Mass, which he refuses to do. The priest then makes large wafers out of dough and gives the pancake-like substance (which he calls the Body of Christ) to confused parishioners at Communion. The video ends when he drops the remaining Hosts into a dirty aquarium.

Has anyone information about Link TV? (I am not familiar with it.) Has anyone seen the piece in question? (It seems to have been removed from their website, but that may be rather a question of my technical incapacity to find it.)

The protest from the League may be found here.

Update:A more technically adept friend has provided the link:

Robert P. Imbelli, a priest of the Archdiocese of New York, is a longtime Commonweal contributor.

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