NPR last night aired an even more-horrifying-than-usual story about a child porn chat room operator in the U.K.

The chat room represented a porn ring that extended to 35 countries, but garnered the most traffic from the U.S., U.K. and Canada. Children as young as 2 months old were involved. Our supper was delayed a bit, as I had to go collect myself before slinging the hash after hearing the report.

Since I'm increasingly uncomfortable with Amnesty International's giving the nod to abortion in some extreme cases (see discussions in "Query" and "Excommunicating Amnesty International" threads below), I tried to find a nice Catholic organization that might be raising awareness about the child porn problem.

I googled "against child porn"+catholic and got about 900 returns that were almost as depressing as the NPR story. Aside from a couple of stories about two bishops out West who have been trying to work against child porn, most of the first returns were about priests being arrested for downloading or trafficking in child porn.

I don't think for a moment that most of our priests are sitting around downloading child pornography. I'm sure most of them would have been as outraged as I was about this story. 

The Church has used its clout and outrage to raise awareness of abuse of unborn children through embryonic warehousing and abortion. Some of that clout and outrage must surely be aimed at efforts to stem child pornography.

The question is, where? Info, please!

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