...So President Francois Hollande says this morning. The French must certainly feel under siege: At 11 AM the death toll in Paris is 127 and several hundred people have been wounded according to news stories. Le Monde

Calls for retaliation and revenge will follow. But against whom? And where? Hollande's closing of France's borders is likely the first in many such decisions in Europe, where free passage within the Eurozone is already under siege. Germany will certainly feel the pressure to increase its own security and the hundreds of thousands of refugees there are likely to be the objects.

ISIS has claimed responsibility for the carnage in France and earlier in the week in Beirut as well as the Russian passenger jet over the Sinai. They have declared themselves the enemy. What follows?

As forthright as ISIS is and has been in its declaration of war, its sponsors manage to hide and obfuscate their own responsibility. I think of Saudi Arabia here, but others play a double game.

MORE: Obama is on his way to a G-20 meeting in Turkey, which is among the double gamers. Will the G-20 confront Turkish president Erdogan on his allowing ISIS transit into and out of Syria?  MORE 2: Greek officials are reporting that one of the suicide bombers with a Syrian passport passed through their border controls as an asylum seeker. He almost certainly passed through Turkey on his way to Greece. Attention [French pronounciation]! Mr. Erdogan!      MORE 3  The sane and reasonable Paul Pillar warns against the U.S. being "suckered" into being the sole opposition to ISIS in Syria and Iraq. A point made by the Democrats (all of them) in Saturday night's debate. Let's remember that when Hillary Clinton takes office in 2017.

Margaret O’Brien Steinfels is a former editor of Commonweal. 

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