An interesting column on John Allen's account of the coming church by Jamie Manson, a young Catholic woman writing for National Catholic Reporter. We discussed some of the same issues in a post below.What struck me most was what I interpret as her call to the "Old Progressives" to offer a positive vision. In context, it seems to me that what she's asking for is a realistic account of spiritual and moral life that is firmly rooted in the Catholic tradition, but not overly defensive about any departures from it on the common range of hot button issues (having to do with sex and gender). Disagree politely and move on--don't battle the issue to death, at the expense of doing something constructive. Be for something. And say what you're for--not what you're against."This, I believe, is where older progressive Catholics can be an extraordinary resource. These reformers spend a lot of time and energy worrying, analyzing, writing about, and arguing with the institutional church. I believe they would do well to take some of the energy behind their righteous anger, and engage those who are struggling to find meaning and spiritual development in a rootless world. This might be a better -- and certainly more life-giving -- use of their time than simply fighting a self-destructive institution."Or. . . in the immortal words of Tina Turner (who's over 70!). . . "I Don't Wanna Fight No More (Too Much Talkin', Babe) . . . "Am I interpreting her correctly? What would this look like?

Cathleen Kaveny is the Darald and Juliet Libby Professor in the Theology Department and Law School at Boston College.

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