The Tribune's Mark Silva has a partial transcript.

RUSSERT: You know, if you look at the voting blocs that exist inSouth Carolina and around the country, I'm quite surprised the way youtreat them in this book. Senior citizens -- this is what you call them-- "old people." "Sorry, but retirement offends me. You don't just stopfighting the middle of a war because your legs hurt. So why do you getto stop working in the middle of your life just because your prostatehurts?"

COLBERT: Well, Tim, I just don't understand pensions or SocialSecurity. Why do you get paid after you stop working? That doesn't makeany sense to me.

RUSSERT: Abolish Social Security?


RUSSERT: Abolish Medicare?


RUSSERT: Abolish all pensions?

COLBERT: Abolish tipping waiters and waitresses because I've gotten myfood, and they get paid by the hour. Why am I giving them extra money?That's all pensions and Social Security are -- it's a tip at the end ofyour life.

The full MTP transcript can be found right here (scroll down for Colbert). He did the interview in character (mostly), but also did an out-of-character interview with Tim Russert that is available only online:

Take two: Colbert on comedy
Take two: Colbert on comedy

Grant Gallicho joined Commonweal as an intern and was an associate editor for the magazine until 2015. 

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