The latest update on the Legion of Christ.I think it is a mistake to reduce the problem to a cult of personality of Fr. Maciel. that's a way of dismissing the problem--he's dead, no more problem. Move along folks--no need to worry about the next group to gain papal favor.I think an equally important factor is the cult of appearances. I can't tell you how many people told me that the liked the order because they LOOKED holy--by which they meant wholesome. So many clean-cut, handsome priests in soutanes. So many women dressed in Talbots sweater sets, pearls and pumps. So many Christmas -card perfect families. And we now know, of course, that maintaining the appearances was a priority for this group. How could anything that LOOKED so wholesome --so 1950's --be bad?My own rule: Talbots is fine. Cleancut is fine. But if your standard of appearance would not allow entry to Jesus Christ himself, then you've got the wrong standard. It's a challenge for middle-class people--for me too. That's one of the reasons I so admire the Catholic Worker movement.Here's an essay I wrote several years ago, "Wholesomeness, Holiness, and Hairspray."

Cathleen Kaveny is the Darald and Juliet Libby Professor in the Theology Department and Law School at Boston College.

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