...The one true American faith, that is: Free-market capitalism. Praise be its name forever! And don't any of you go backsliding during what Rev. Brooks rather euphemistically calls this momentary "pause" in our economy:

But if there is one thing we can be sure of, this pause will not last. The cultural DNA of the past 400 years will not be erased. The pendulum will swing hard. The gospel of success will recapture the imagination.Somewhere right now theres probably a smart publisher searching for the most unabashed, ambitious, pro-wealth, pro-success manuscript she can find, and in about three months shell pile it up in the nations bookstores. Somewhere theres probably a TV producer thinking of hiring Jim Cramer to do a show to tell story after story of unapologetic business success. Somewhere theres a politician finding a way to ride the commercial renaissance that is bound to come, ready to explain how government can sometimes nurture entrepreneurial greatness and sometimes should get out of the way.

Testify, Brother Brooks! Read it all in his column today.

David Gibson is the director of Fordham’s Center on Religion & Culture.

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