The head of the Legion of Christ has written a letter to the group's lay movement in response to the revelations about Maciel. He doesn't allude to the news until the sixth paragraph.

As regards truth, the first thing we see in Christs presence is that he is the Truth, which leads us to look at everything through him. In the present case, regarding the person of our Father Founder, I cannot but recognize all the good I received through him. Through the charism he passed on to us, many people have received from God what has given meaning to our lives: love for Christ, the Blessed Virgin, the Church, the Pope and souls. These are our loves. On a personal level, I am grateful to him for being the instrument God used to give my entire life meaning, seeking eternal salvation, the path to God. This is the truth I experienced, and it would be impossible to find enough words to thank him.

It is also true that he was a man, and these things that have hurt and surprised us--and I dont believe we can explain with our reason alone--have already been judged by God. It is true that we are going through much suffering and a great deal of pain. As in a family, these pains draw us together and lead us to suffer and rejoice as one body. This circumstance we are living invites us to look at everything with much faith, humility and charity. Thus we place it in the hands of God, who teaches us the way of infinite mercy. For my part, I ask forgiveness for all this suffering. And I beg God with all my being to help us all to see it from the heart of Christ.

'INAPPROPRIATE' BEHAVIOR THAT MUST NOT BE NAMED UPDATE: Blogger Thomas Peters has a letter from a Legion of Christ school principle to parents.

As many of you likely recall, back in 2006 prior to his resignation asthe Legion General Director in 2005, and his death one year ago, theVatican embarked on an investigation in response to allegations madeagainst Father Maciel. At the conclusion of the investigation, theHoly See sent a communiqu directing him to a life of prayer andpenance.Upon embarking on its own internal inquiry, the Legion hasacknowledged actions "that were not appropriate for a Catholicpriest." As a result of these conclusions, the Legion and itsleadership have been working hard over the last months informing theappropriate constituents, beginning within the Vatican, the Legion,and as of the last few days, its Apostolates (schools, Regnum Christi,etc.) and the Archdiocese.This is sad and disturbing news for everyone, and I am sure even moreso for those who were closest to Father Maciel, particularly ourpriests, brothers, and consecrated. But what we are remindingourselves here at the school is that the Legion, Regnum Christi, andits apostolates (i.e. the school) are a work of God and they belong tothe Church, not to any one individual.

Grant Gallicho joined Commonweal as an intern and was an associate editor for the magazine until 2015. 

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