Check it out, via The Forward: "a Jewish drinkers guide to tonights presidential debate."

Take a SIP if you hear:The only democracy in the Middle EastRed linesAn anecdote about a Jewish lady in Florida/Ohio/Nevada or some other random swing stateAnyone over-pronouncing Hamas as KkkkkhamasMy friend Benjamin NetanyahuA properly employed YiddishismPound a SHOT forMy Friend BibiChoo-tzpah, or any other butchered YiddishismJerusalem is Israels eternal capitalA questioner with an unmistakable Long Island Jewish accentThe insatiable crocodile of militant IslamAnd CHUG the entire bottle of whatever you got:If anyone pulls out a marker and a bomb cartoon

"Ba da boom!" 

David Gibson is the director of Fordham’s Center on Religion & Culture.

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