So Cardinal Tagle predicted and so it proves to be.

After the dramatic publication of the small group deliberations, the committee designated with incorporating these into a final document by tomorrow faces an herculean task. Will they be able to achieve it and will it receive the approbation of a majority of the Synod participants? Indeed, will it be able to be quickly read and digested?

But, as is well known, even if passed, the document only concludes another act of the drama which will continue to unfold over the next year (with God knows how many tweets yet to come!).

Whatever one's own considered view of the significant theological and pastoral issues under discussion, I share the impression of many that Pope Francis clearly favors one party in the drama.

Here is part of the case that Sandro Magister makes:

The operational center of the synod is made up of the general and special secretaries, Baldisseri and Forte. But alongside of them the pope has placed, selected by him personally, those who will attend to the drafting of the message and the final “Relatio,” all of them belonging to the pro-change “party,” led by his trusted ghostwriter Víctor Manuel Fernández, archbishop and rector of the Catholic University of Buenos Aires.

The rest is here.

It is certainly true that two members were added to the drafting committee at the eleventh hour -- one from Africa and one from Australia. But that appears to have been a response to widespread discontent.

Tomorrow then promises to open scene two of Act Two.

Robert P. Imbelli, a priest of the Archdiocese of New York, is a longtime Commonweal contributor.

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