Okay, I'm back in South Bend after a week on the East Coast. I got to see the Commonweal offices for the first time -- great view guys. But alas, no Colbert tickets were forthcoming from my heartfelt bleg. I guess his ten brothers and sisters must read First Things, not Commonweal (Hi Jody --I'll take you to an ND football game if you take me to a Colbert taping).

But I did catch SC's persona scolding of Pope Benedict XVI, whom he called an ecu-menace -- he liked him better when he was Pope John Paul II's Rottweiler. The segment, incidentally, shows just how hard it is to figure out where the persona stops and the real SC begins. (Thanks Michael H. for providing me with the link!)

Click here to watch the clip.

Cathleen Kaveny is the Darald and Juliet Libby Professor in the Theology Department and Law School at Boston College.

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