What's going to happen tomorrow? Will Ahmadinejad lose to the reformer Hossein Mousavi? Will the Revolutionary Guard crack down on Mousavi's youth movement? Read all about it:

The all-night street rallies and the joyful campaign of Mousavi's supporters have rekindled the passions and hopes of reformists after Ahmadinejad's victory four years ago. Their calls are similar to the days of reformist President Mohammad Khatami more social freedoms, media openness and outreach to the West.

But now there are some potentially groundbreaking stakes, including how to respond to President Barack Obama's offer for dialogue with Iran after a nearly 30-year diplomatic chill.The election outcome will have little direct impact on Iran's key policies including its nuclear program or possible talks with Washington which are directly dictated by the ruling Islamic clerics. Still, the president has influence over some domestic affairs, such as the economy, and serves as Iran's highest-ranking envoy on the international stage.(...)Mousavi has accused Ahmadinejad of attempting to whitewash the scope of Iran's problems, which include double-digit inflation and chronic unemployment and criticized the hard-line president for blackening Iran's international reputation by questioning the Holocaust and calling for Israel's destruction.

Check out the rest of the AP report here.

Grant Gallicho joined Commonweal as an intern and was an associate editor for the magazine until 2015. 

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