"In 2008, Kathy Dahlkemper defeated longtime Republican incumbent Phil English in this district in Pennsylvanias northwestern corner."But now a political newcomer, Mike Kelly an auto dealer and former Notre Dame football player stands a good chance of making the Democratic hold on this seat a mere blip. Ms. Dahlkemper began the summer with a nearly 10-to-one cash advantage and has had backup from the House Democrats campaign committee. However, her record, especially a vote in favor of health overhaul, has been skewered in ads from outside groups, and Mr. Kellys recruitment by the G.O.P.s Young Guns program is a sign of confidence in his bid." NYTimes http://elections.nytimes.com/2010/house/pennsylvania/3This is one of the districts where the Republican-front Susan B. Anthony pro-life group has weighed in as discussed earlier: "Pro-Life Marches for Self-Destruction." http://www.commonwealmagazine.org/blog/?p=10332The locals weigh in; The Erie-Times News: Dahlkemper outperforms Kelly on specifics and initiatives http://www.goerie.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=2010310249998