Bob Imbelli started a thread about the CDF dcoument on evangelization below. For all those who wish to discuss that document in a more focused manner, the thread is still there. But I want to propose a practical question, which may not interest him but does interest me, greatly. I should have opened another thread, earlier. But better late than never.I propose that in deciding what forms of evangelization we as American Catholics should engage in, we ought to think carefully upon what forms of evanglization we are willing to tolerate ourselves.What types of evangelization are you receptive to? Do you open the door to Jehovah's Witnessesses? To Mormons (not running for president)? Do you take the time to talk to the street preachers who accost you with scripture in one hand? Do you smile and have coffee with your coworkers who want to tell you about their relationship with Jesus Christ their personal savior?Or do you make excuses when they ask you to go to a church meeting for "seekers" with them? Do you suddenly remember a meeting, a prior commitment, or a pressing task? Do you listen to them, with your heart open, or do you listen out of politeness? If anything gets through to you , what does?And what can we learn from your answers?

Cathleen Kaveny is the Darald and Juliet Libby Professor in the Theology Department and Law School at Boston College.

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