Amnesty International on the Goldstone fracas: "Recent Israeli government calls for the United Nations to retract the 2009 report of its Fact-Finding Mission on the Gaza Conflict are a cynical attempt to avoid accountability for war crimes and deny both Palestinian and Israeli victims of the 2008-2009 conflict the justice and reparations they deserve, Amnesty International said today."Statements by leading Israeli politicians that Israels conduct in the 22-day conflict in Gaza and southern Israel has been vindicated, following the publication of a Washington Post opinion piece by Justice Richard Goldstone on April 1, 2011, are based on a deliberate misinterpretation of Justice Goldstones comments. The international community must firmly reject these attempts to escape accountability and act decisively for international justice, as it has done on Libya, Sudan and other situations where war crimes and possible crimes against humanity have been committed." The whole Amnesty International comment here.Justice Goldstone's comments on WashPost.Comments from the report's other authors in NYTimes (scroll down).

Margaret O’Brien Steinfels is a former editor of Commonweal. 

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