Hillary Clinton knows a good thing when she sees it, and is riding the Rev. Wright issue for all it's worth. As she tells the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, Wright"would not have been my pastor...You don't choose your family, but you choose what church you want to attend." (Perhaps she also chose her race andupbringing?)She then noted that she spoke out against Don Imus. (I didn't know he was ordained.)Over at the Spiritual Politics blog, Mark Silk points out that Dean J. Snyder, senior minister of Washington's Foundry United Methodist Church, where the Clintons attended, made a strong defense ofWright, raising questions about what Hillary should do.Silk later noted that in fact Phil Wogaman was pastor while the Clintons were across the street at the White House, so Snyder may not be considered her pastor, officially.So does Hillary have a pastor for whom she should be held responsible? Or is she in the same "un-churched" category as President Bush? She has always associated herself with the Methodist Church.More important, is she really going to go down this low road?PS: Also in the Tribune-Review, Clinton says that her claim last week of being tough and battle-tested because she landed in Bosnia under sniper fire in 1996 wasn't exactly true: "I was sleep-deprived, and I misspoke."

David Gibson is the director of Fordham’s Center on Religion & Culture.

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