Next Saturday, 9/11/2010, a protest will take place against the building of the ICC at 51 Park Place. Pamela Geller is an organizer of the protest and a vociferous critic of Islam. Here is part of a speech she gave last April at a pro-Israel rally."Text of Pamela Geller's remarks at Pro-Israel Rally, NYC April 25, 2010"First of all, I want to thank my Yid Army for showing up. I love my Yid Army! Thank you so much for coming out in the rain. And thank you, Beth, for putting this together. I think its appropriate that its raining. Theres a reason why its raining. For the first time in American history, we have an anti-Israel president. His premise is false. The narrative is false. The Islamization of the narrative must stop. (Cheers) It must stop with the truth. And truth is the new hate speech. (Cheers)"I ask you, what is a settler? I reject that term. I dont want anyone ever to use it again. Its a Jew living in the Jewish homeland. There are no settlers in Israel. What is the West Bank? It is not the West Bank. It is Judea Jew-dea and Samaria. There is no occupation except the Muslim occupation of Israel. (Cheers)"Read the rest here: In Contrast, Feisal Abdul Rauf, leader of the ICC project has this to say in Wednesday's Times: "Our broader mission to strengthen relations between the Western and Muslim worlds and to help counter radical ideology lies not in skirting the margins of issues that have polarized relations within the Muslim world and between non-Muslims and Muslims. It lies in confronting them as a joint multifaith, multinational effort."Here: this: "Vatican: Burning Quran Is Outrageous..."

Margaret O’Brien Steinfels is a former editor of Commonweal. 

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