‘Fiducia supplicans’ seems written to reinforce very stubborn ideas: that there is a proper place for liturgy and that married gay people do not belong there.
If the Church really believes in the indelible dignity of LGBTQ+ persons, it can’t just express sorrow for past abuses or offer words of welcome. It has to actually do something.
‘Dignitas Infinita’ fails to apprehend even the basic situation of transgender people and therefore provides no useful intellectual or moral guidance for transgender Catholics.
By disregarding Qatar’s human rights abuses, FIFA has already robbed fans of the typical World Cup experience, causing us to question just what there is to root for.
The controversy at Nativity School shows how the Church has allied itself with discrimination, undermining its credibility and failing to live up to its values.
On this episode, Mallory McMorrow, Democratic State Senator of Michigan, talks about how she chooses faith, service, and authenticity over “performative nonsense.”
Human anthropology and sexual ethics are subject to change. But the knowledge that we were created in the divine image to love and be loved is eternal.
This summer, President Andrzej Duda of Poland won reelection in two successive rounds of voting. His success represents a growing threat to Polish democracy.
The USCCB’s opposition to the pro-LGBTQ Supreme Court ruling shows a disregard for human dignity and promotes a counterfeit version of religious liberty.
Stephen Hough, one of the world’s greatest musical performers, speaks with us about bioethics, sacramentality, and the challenges of living as a gay Catholic.
In this second special episode on the American parish today, we talk with three writers about their concrete proposals for creating more vibrant, hope-filled parish
The church is a liminal space I’m lingering in: a space of transition, of walking along boundaries, of being neither in nor out, of neither staying nor leaving.
The first Kenyan film ever officially screened at Cannes, ‘Rafiki’ was banned in Kenya for “legitimizing homosexuality” against the country’s dominant beliefs.
The Equality Bill, designed to bolster LGBTQ protections, provoked fierce opposition from the USCCB. But fears of infringement on religious liberty are unfounded.