Kenneth L. Woodward's "Church of the 'Times'" (already under discussion here) is just one of the exciting offerings in the latest issue of Commonweal. Also free for all to read:* "Thinking Again," an essay by Marilynne Robinson on the attempt to determine what we mean by "the mind" -- how (or whether) it's distinct from the brain, and how that should affect our understanding of God and the human soul* "Let 'em Shrink," our editorial on the need and the possibilities for financial regulationSubscribers (online or in print) can log in to read:* "A Bricklayer's Son," Peter Steinfels's review essay on Stanley Hauerwas and his new memoir, Hannah's Child* "A Darkening," Cathleen Kaveny's report on the D'Souza-Hitchens debate at Notre Dame -- and other, more formidable threats to Catholics' faith* "The Glory & the Grime," Eve Tushnet's review of an exhibit of Spanish religious art at the National Gallery in D.C.* "Off the Page," Richard Alleva's review of the new movies The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo and Kick-Ass* "Pernickety," Harold Bordwell's Last Word essay on French writer Charles Du Bos* Book reviews for every taste: Bernard Bergonzi on the new biography Muriel Spark; Michael R. Marrus on Hubert Wolf's study of the Pius XI archives; William Galston on Alan I. Abramowitz's The Disappearing Center; Jesse Lander on the latest entry in the who-wrote-Shakespeare debate; and Anthony Domestico on Peter Carey's Parrot & Olivier in America. With May upon us, remember that a subscription to Commonweal makes a great gift for graduation, confirmation, or ordination!

Mollie Wilson O’​Reilly is editor-at-large and columnist at Commonweal.

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