The Economist looks at how Americans are trying to do business in Cuba. "Although the mood is giddy, the obstacles to trade and investment remain formidable."

German novelist Günter Grass died today at the age of 87. The New York Times obituary discusses Grass's membership in the Waffen-SS during WWII, and the time Grass spent alongside Joseph Ratzinger in an Allied prison camp. "Mr. Grass later remembered Mr. Ratzinger as 'extremely Catholic' and 'a little uptight,' but 'a nice guy.'"

As Hillary Clinton announced her campaign for President, Amy Davidson at the New Yorker analyzed the video Clinton posted and what it means for the tone of her campaign.

The Wall Street Journal on how the Turkish government was displeased by Pope Francis's comments yesterday about the death of 1.5 million Armenians in WWI.

An interview with David Brooks in the Guardian sees Brooks reflecting on his brand of conservatism, and the formation of a moral character you could eulogize about.  

Maria Bowler is the former assistant digital editor of Commonweal. 

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