Two gunmen were killed near Dallas after shooting an unarmed security officer outside an exhibit and “cartoon contest” depicting the prophet Mohammed. The Washington Post profiles Pamela Gellar, the exhibit’s organizer and self-described anti-Jihadist, who is also responsible for incendiary ad campaigns across the country.

In G.O.P. presidential candidacy news, Ben Carson will officially announce his campaign, and The Atlantic looks at his grassroots support. Carly Fiorina announced her candidacy today, and The New Republic examines her strategy as the anti-Hillary

The LA Times covered Pope Francis’s remarks on Father Junipero Serra and his canonization, which Robert Mickens also discussed in this Letter from Rome.

How does a city like Baltimore find its citizens trapped in poverty? The New York Times looks at a study which finds “geography does not merely separate rich from poor but also plays a large role in determining which poor children achieve the so-called American dream.”  

Maria Bowler is the former assistant digital editor of Commonweal. 

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