Although most of us who teach are growing inexorably closer to the mountain of FALL exams we have to grade, we're also thinking about our SPRING courses.I'm teaching "Faith, Law, and Morality" this spring--which is about, well, faith, law and morality. In each section, I have them do some readings, and then try to show a movie that raises the questions in a vivid fashion. The first section of the course is devoted to looking at "faith, [mora] law and grace--and I have them read Paul and James, Aquinas, and Luther. (A good Lindbeck student, I have them see that Luther and Aquinas aren't as far apart on faith and works as people think.). As for movies, I've been showing Babette's Feast in this section. Can anyone think of anything else that would work?

Cathleen Kaveny is the Darald and Juliet Libby Professor in the Theology Department and Law School at Boston College.

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