As one of the assignments in my moral issues class this semester, students have been asked to join groups that will research the policy positions of presidential candidates on the various issues we are taking up, e.g., stem cell research and abortion. I waited until after Super Tuesday to ask students to choose the candidates they wanted to research. Yesterday they had to indicate a first and second choice. Not a single student listed Mitt Romney as a first or second choice. (They clearly anticipated his withdrawal from the race.) Here are the rest of the results.Obama First choice 14; Second choice 3Clinton First choice 1; Second choice 7Huckabee First choice 2; Second choice 4McCain First choice 3; Second choice 6Obviously, this is neither a large nor representative sample, but I think it is interesting nonetheless. Historically, our students have tended to be pretty conservative and the Young Republican group on campus has almost always been more active than the Young Democrats.I wonder what others are finding with traditional college-age students.

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