Rejoice: the August 17 Commonweal was just posted on the homepage. Some highlights:

  • "$660 Million"--our editorial on the Los Angeles sexual-abuse settlement.
  • "The Face of God"--Peter Steinfels's take on Benedict XVI's Jesus of Nazareth.
  • "All Too Real"--Richard Alleva's review of the film A Mighty Heart.

This issue also contains the package on the return of the old Mass, which includes responses by Peter Jeffery, Rita Ferrone, Joseph Komonchak, and Bernard P. Prusak. You have to be a subscriber to read those articles. (Although Rita Ferrone's is still available for free.) If you haven't yet signed up, there's no time like the present. Why not take advantage of our special Web offer, which includes both print and online access for just 17 bucks? Cheap!

Edit: In the spring and early summer, we received tons of requests to post the letters to the editor on the Web site. Well, your wish is our command. Starting with the August 17 issue, letters will be available online to subscribers. Just click the "Current Issue" link on the homepage to find them.

Grant Gallicho joined Commonweal as an intern and was an associate editor for the magazine until 2015. 

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