Not the one Joseph Komonchak has been providing, but the liturgical one. It seems that it will be set for October 9th.The Catholic Herald also reports on the booklet being prepared for the papal visit:

The announcement of the feast day forms part of the Popes Declaration of Beatification, which has been published as part of the Magnificat booklet for the Papal visit.The booklet also contains prayers of preparation for the visit, texts for daily Mass from September 12 to September 29, including the Masses of the papal visit.The booklet also has forewords by Cardinal Keith OBrien, Archbishop Vincent Nichols, Lord Patten of Barnes and the Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams.The booklet also contains essays by leading Catholics such as Newman scholar Fr Ian Ker, Bishop Malcolm McMahon of Nottingham, and the current British Ambassador to the Holy See, Francis Campbell.

Any way of obtaining a copy in the colonies?

Robert P. Imbelli, a priest of the Archdiocese of New York, is a longtime Commonweal contributor.

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