A colonia is any “identifiable community” within 150 miles of the U.S.-Mexico border lacking potable water and decent housing. There are 141 in New Mexico alone.
As Donal Cooper and Janet Robson show in this fascinating study, the Basilica of St. Francis in Assisi played a crucial part in promoting Francis and his mission.
The Second Vatican Council isn’t over yet, in the view of Robert P. Imbelli, who notes that the “reception,” and thus the event of the council, is continuing today.
It's one thing to be asked to provide contraception, another to contribute to a plan covering it, and another to tell the government your religious objections to it.
This gloomy, powerfully acted series imagines the aftermath of a cryptic development: 2 percent of the world’s population has vanished, and no one knows why.
It's not the case that Francis has little interest in theological exchanges. Rather, interreligious friendships are more the basis for dialogue than its by-product.
Francis’s new language and style have not been universally welcomed by the bishops, especially those in Italy, where the old guard seems especially recalcitrant.