We haven't yet set down a formal terms-of-service agreement for users of dotCommonweal, so let me try to sketch what's expected of those who comment on our posts.

1. No cursing or lewdness of any kind. If you don't think the vocabulary you're using would appear in Commonweal magazine, then try alternative wording.

2. Be civil; respect those who disagree with you; no ad hominem attacks.

3. Don't troll. In other words, don't bait your fellow readers. Don't needlessly provoke.

4. Don't make unsubstantiated or outlandish claims. You have a point, so make it. Then support it.

5. Try not to overexplain. When your comment is much longer than the post it's responding to, consider cutting it.

We reserve the right to edit or delete comments if they strike us as inappropriate in any way. This doesn't mean we'll change your arguments or the substance of your comments. It means we'll remove offensive words or phrases if they appear. Commenting on posts, while not a right, can enhance the debate of a given issue, but when comments boxes are abused, they serve no purpose at all.

Grant Gallicho joined Commonweal as an intern and was an associate editor for the magazine until 2015. 

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