He'd been quiet for a while, but recently Ur-Diogenes over at Off the Record, the blog of Catholic World News, has gotten back on the horse. (We've discussed him before here and here.) Seemingly brought out of hibernation by the midterm elections (Ur-Diogenes is nothing if not deeply interested in how Catholicism features in U.S. politics), he's really been on a roll lately, letting fly all manner of rhetorical barbs, aimed high and low. And I mean very low. Have a look.

First, read the captions under the pictures in this post. Then click here for his enlightening response to the USCCB's recent statement on ministry to homosexuals. (Flashback: this post was pretty classy, too.)

I wonder if any U.S. bishops donate to Catholic World News.

Grant Gallicho joined Commonweal as an intern and was an associate editor for the magazine until 2015. 

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