NBC "Nightly News" has a segment that they term, rather grandiosely, "Nightly News in Depth." Unfortunately, it's rather thin brew.

By contrast "The NewsHour" with Jim Lehrer on PBS consistently provides illuminating analysis of the main issues of the day's news.

Tonight's program was a case in point. (Transcripts available 24 hours after broadcast.)

Dennis Ross, special Middle East coordinator under the Bush I and Clinton administrations, and David Ignatius of the Washington Post, offered cogent, informed analysis of the meeting between the U.S. President and the Prime Minister of Iraq.

But the "star" of the evening was Margaret Warner reporting from Istanbul on Pope Benedict's visit. Margaret has always been competent and professional in her stint on the "NewsHour," but at times stumbling in her inteviewing.

Not tonight. She was simply superb. And offering her insightful remarks, her face was positively radiant.

Truly "in depth" coverage.

Robert P. Imbelli, a priest of the Archdiocese of New York, is a longtime Commonweal contributor.

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