If you're in the Philadelphia area, you may want to drop in on this event tomorrow night.

Update: By the way, please feel free to share your ideas about the subject of tomorrow's panel discussion. What intrigues you about the blogosphere--Catholic and otherwise? What worries you?

Post-event update: Thanks for all the comments below, and a special thanks to those who braved the parking nightmare surrounding Hawk Hill to attend the event. Fr. Dan Joyce and the Office of Mission were superb hosts. And it was great to chat with fellow bloggers Amy Welborn and Rocco Palmo in person (imagine that)--with the help of our excellent moderator, Bill McGarvey--before an engaged crowd who offered excellent questions and comments. This is the kind of public conversation we should have more often. I'm told video of the summit will be available in the near future. Doubt I can bring myself to watch it, but if you're interested, I'll post a link.

Grant Gallicho joined Commonweal as an intern and was an associate editor for the magazine until 2015. 

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