Fr. Daniel McCormack will have his day in court after all. From the AP:

A May first hearing is scheduled for a Roman Catholic priest accused of sexually abusing several children in Chicago.

DanielMcCormack appeared in a Cook County courtroom today. And Judge ThomasSumner agreed to a private meeting with his defense attorneys andprosecutors so they could discuss a possible plea agreement. They met for about an hour in the judge's chambers. Afterward, Sumner scheduled the status hearing.McCormackis charged with five counts of aggravated criminal sexual abuse. He'saccused of fondling five boys at Our Lady of the Westside School's twocampuses and the nearby St. Agatha Catholic Church.

He's pleaded not guilty.

And: the Archdiocese of Los Angeles responds to news coverage about Cardinal Mahony's differing statements about an accused priest. Here's the initial L.A. Times story. And the AP account. And the archdiocese's response.

Grant Gallicho joined Commonweal as an intern and was an associate editor for the magazine until 2015. 

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